Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My husband

I have got to be the luckiest girl in the world! My husband is everything to me and I am very thankful to have him. We met when I was only sixteen and we have been inseparable ever since. This man has worked every day of his life just to support me and our three children. I am very passionate about my husband because I know that he loves me and I owe him everything for making me so happy and giving me our three wonderful children.  Not a day goes by that I don't sat "I love you" to him. We do so much together with and without the kids like camping, canoeing, to going to music concerts, and gardening.


I love to garden! I am not very good at it but I love it. My husband tells me that I have a black thumb for I kill almost every plant that we get. I really enjoy the getting my hands dirty and trying to make something beautiful. In my vegetable garden we plant tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, green beans, squash, cucumbers, and so much more. I love the days that I get to go out and pick fresh produce to cook for dinner. In my mind I am thinking " YES, one less trip the grocery store and money saved!". This is something that I hope to do every year for the rest of our lives.


The first time I had ever been canoeing was when I was in high school and we went on a class trip. My best friend Stef was my partner and we were both scared because neither one of us has gone before. As we set off we learned that it wasn't that bad as long as we weren't leaning. The further down the river my attention was taken away from canoeing and I was sitting in aw as nature got the best of me. The sun shining through the tree's and the bluffs were dripping water as we passed by. I have been canoeing now for about 16 years and it is now the time I spend with my husband as a weekend getaway but not to far from home.

The things I am passionate about

I am passionate about:
my church
my children
my husband
my home
my family
arts and crafts
hula hooping
The Bible
making memories
my pets
making people happy
giving to people in need
sweet tea
eating healthy
keeping track of finances
my community
my children's school district
hunting and fishing
board games
card games

Friday, October 2, 2015

Blog Reflection

When I had first realized that I had to completer an English class I had thought to myself "This should be one of my easy classes". All I can say now is man was I ever so wrong. This English class is one of the hardest classes that I have right next to Math. Life and school for me this semester hit head on and is one nasty mess for my 14 year old daughter started to have some health issues. Most of my has been spent in doctors office's and staying up late at night watching her sleep to make sure that she didn't have another seizure while she was sleeping. Now with my time I am trying to concentrate on my homework and get caught up with what I can and also helping my daughter get caught up for she has missed several days of school. My head and my heart are not into my schooling as they should be for the many distractions but I feel I have learned a lot already. My favorite part of this class so far is the Writer's Workshop we did in lesson 5. This lesson was full of information for anyone looking to become a better writer. Some of my favorites were relearning all about verbs and adjectives, the ladder of abstraction, how to tune your voice in your writing, and the list of helpful habits. I believe the one thing that I would struggle in the most would be taking criticism. I mean who likes being told they make mistakes or that someone disapproves their work or writing. I can say if a person takes it the way it was meant and not look at it as disapproval then I think a person could use it to succeed in whatever they are doing. I still have to admit though I am enjoying this class I am not one for writing or blogging but have learned to better express myself. I hope that everyone has enjoyed as much as I have.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Self Improvement

Are you one of those people who like to grow and improve yourself? I am passionate about my personal growth more now than I ever have been. My adult life has consisted of me raising my children, being a wife, and having good friends. Though my life has not been a bad one I realized shortly after turning 30 that I had not done much for personal improvement. I was stuck in a rut and needed to do something to get me out of it. At this time I had started reading more, learning new recipes, and trying new creative games with my kids. When I had started working on my self- improvement I started to notice that I was feeling like I was enjoying life more and not feeling like it was a chore. There is always something in ourselves that we can work to improve on if we think so or not. There are also many books and websites that offer great advice on how to start, it's not that hard I just started small with simple reading. It only takes a little each day to see big improvement. Or maybe have your significant other or other family members help with support. So what is self- improvement? Self- improvement is "the improvement of one's knowledge, status, or character by one's own effort". This definition tells me that the human potential is limitless, there will never be an end to self- improvement. One of my favorite quotes that I think of often is that of Earnest Hemingway "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self". Improving one's self opens you to new possibilities so get motivated and focus on yourself and you will notice that change.  So what are you going to do to start improving yourself?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I find school to be fun and exciting, though I struggle so much to keep up I still like it. School to me is time to just sit back and try to do my best because it takes out of my comfort zone. I believe that it also helps my children to see me staying in my studies. My children could use all the encouragement they can as they do not like to study. We do it together mostly, they sit on the floor next to me sitting at the computer and we the work done. I like to do most of my writing late at night so I have to wait until they fall asleep so I don't keep them up. I find that it is to the point that I am too busy for my friends, but I think they understand. My friends want to see me succeed and I get encouragement from them as well as all my family. I get daily phone calls from my family asking how my classes are going and if there is anything they can do to help. I don't feel as though I would be able to do it without them. My husband is my number one supporter for school even though he is working twice as hard so I can stay home and take classes. I think he knows the benefits that school can bring when I have completed it so that is his motivation. School to me is difficult seeing as I have been out since 2001. I am enjoying learning new things though to me it is all moving so fast. As much as I like all of my classes I can't wait for it all to be over with so I can start a new career. I hope that others have an enjoyable time as I do with their schooling.