Tuesday, September 15, 2015


My marriage is a good one even though we put a lot of effort into it. Loving my husband is not hard for he makes it very easy for me. He is a very hard working man that is letting me pursue my dream of going back to school. He has let me stay home to raise our three children while he stayed away working just to make sure we had everything that we needed. I never hear any complaints from him which makes it hard for me when I think I have had a bad day. David is not only a great husband but a great father as well and he is loved dearly. Marriage is way more than signing a piece of paper it is being that other persons better half. Supporting them in their decision making and encouraging them when they need it. Marriage is two people growing together becoming one with each other. My husband and I grow spiritually together for we put Christ in the center of our lives. Following Christ has blessed us in so many ways that I could't even imagine a relationship without him. Marriage is a faithful bond and is the most intimate of any human relationship. Don't get me wrong even the most perfect marriage can have its ups and downs that is just the way it goes but it is the love that you have that helps you see through it. If you haven't found that one that is for you, just wait it is all in Gods timing. I teach my children to be so lost in God that whoever is meant for them will find them through him. That is how you know that they are for real and not only wanting you for something you have. I hope that everyone can find that bond with someone else and when you do hold on to it and never let it go because it is so special to have and share.

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