Monday, September 14, 2015

My Motivation!

What is motivation? Motivation to me is a reason that someone has to do what they do and how they do it. I have many reasons to be motivated in my life and I feel lucky to have them. Happiness for my family is one reason, though we don't need everything to be happy. Striving to do better so I can live in a comfortable state is what I long for. We don't need lots of extra things just because we can, but just enough to be content. So what is your incentive to being motivated? Think down deep and recover what drives you as we all have a reason for striving to do better. I want to see the face of God which is my main motivation for acting how I do. Being forgiving, understanding, and not judging. Living more Christ like every day is a struggle but I strive to be a better person. Can you even imagine meeting our creator? I guess if you think about the alternative place that should be enough motivation to want to seek Him. It would really surprise me to hear that someone does not have any motivation for we all have something. I know that we all get let down at times but should not be a reason to give up. I would love to help people who can't find their motivation find it because I love to see other people happy and to succeed in the things that they do. Motivation is a very important thing to have for it pushes us closer to greatness. We need to learn to stay focused without getting distracted or overwhelmed. Learn to enjoy pushing yourself and you will never go without being motivated and success will be there. So how did you motivate yourself today?

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