Sunday, September 13, 2015

The perfect day

Is there even enough time in the day to have the most awesome day? I know that mine would be to sleep in first of all. I am not a morning person so I like to sleep away that time. Then to be pampered by having my hair done while having my feet massaged. Man I can almost feel it now, lol. I would love to have my friends and family over for a big cook out and maybe take the boat out on the lake. My favorite thing to do is to sit and watch all the kids playing together and making memories. I always have activities for them to do mainly crafts so they have something to keep. I love to be on the river so canoeing would be nice to fit into my perfect day as well. I have so many things I would love to do like fishing, pottery, shopping, or even just sitting outside on my porch swing enjoying the weather rain or shine. Having a personal cook to cook anything I wanted and not having the repercussions of eating it all.  My favorite time of year is the fall, I love the changing of the leaves and the cooler temperature after a nice hot summer. Maybe a day where I don't receive a bill in the mail or even have someone come to me on my perfect day to say they are paying all of my bills that month, man that would be the best day ever. Can you imagine what your perfect day would be like? Maybe a day of just lying on the couch with no distractions and watching your favorite movies or TV shows. However you picture it I be it would be perfect. But to me family makes it better no matter the circumstance.

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